Triple Cherry sings with Patagonia Entertainment
Patagonia Entertainment has sweetened its portfolio of third-party games after signing a content partnership with casino game developer, Triple Cherry.
Triple Cherry has 15 years’ experience developing casino games and its catalogue of titles will all be added to Patagonia’s platform. State-of-the-art 3D technology is used for the creation of all Triple Cherry online slots.
Nile Treasures, 7’s Club, Mystic Buffalo, Mega Chef and Saint Fermin are just some of the top-performing games that have been made available for Patagonia’s clients.
Patagonia’s innovative mobile-first online gaming platform allows operators access to a raft of incredible games through one simple integration. The platform is extremely reliable, scalable and customizable to meet all operators’ needs, and fully certifiable for several regulated markets across the Latin American market.
Patagonia Entertainment’s Global Business Development Manager Victor Arias said: “Triple Cherry’s casino games have earned acclaim across the industry and our platform will greatly benefit from this integration. We’re certain our clients will be hungry for more of these slots.”
Triple Cherry CEO Juan Antonio Galindo: “We are delighted with the Patagonia team as it has been really easy for us to integrate our games onto their successful platform. We hope Patagonia customers will enjoy our variety of features and mini games which contribute to a great iGaming experience.”
- Sector del Juego: https://www.sectordeljuego.com/noticia.php?id=103415
- Gaming Intelligence Español: https://www.giespanol.com/juegos/5355-patagonia-entertainment-suma-los-juegos-de-triple-cherry-a-su-catalogo.html
- iGaming Business: https://www.igamingbusiness.com/patagonia-boosts-games-library-triple-cherry-partnership
- Casino City Times: http://www.casinocitytimes.com/news/article/patagonia-entertainment-partners-with-triple-cherry-232721
- Games Magazine Brasil: https://www.gamesbras.com/mundo/2019/12/10/patagonia-assinou-acordo-de-conteudo-com-triple-cherry-15437.html
- Casino Players Report: https://www.casinoplayersreport.com/online-gambling-news/patagonia-entertainment-signs-new-content-partnership-with-triple-cherry/
- BNL Data: http://bnldata.com.br/patagonia-adoca-biblioteca-de-jogos-com-parceria-triple-cherry/
- SIGMA News: https://sigma.com.mt/latest-news/patagonia-sweetens-games-library-with-triple-cherry/
- Jamma Europe: https://www.jamma-europe.eu/company/patagonia-sweetens-games-library-with-triple-cherry-partnership-18881